26 Ocak 2016 Salı

Reflection Task 2b

The speaker talked about reasons why she makes tiny robots and I agree with speaker on three issues. To begin with, I think that making robots small in size is the biggest obstacle in this path. This goal needs more advanced nanotechnology. It is study and application of extremely small things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering. Today, development level of nanotechnology is not as well-developed as we want. However, I believe that we will be able to place electronic components such as diodes, transistors, resistors, capacitors in rice sized robots. For example, there is a nanorobot fly for military usage. Special Forces use them for surveillance purposes. Secondly, I believe that taking inspiration from bugs for their mobility capabilities is perspicacious. We see in experiments that black bugs can easily move on rough terrains. Their motor skills are organised; therefore, we need to put well organised algorithms like bugs. There are examples of these kind of robots, yet they are not as skilled as bugs. For example, RHex is a robot that is able to overcome its obstacles with its tiny legs. It can even jump over big rocks. 6.7 kg of its weight is a disadvantage, though. Finally, there is no doubt that application of these tiny robots is limitless. They can be used in every place where people can’t get in. To exemplify, we can use rescue robot in the event of disaster like earthquake. It is able to locate survivors. Also, they can be used for medical purposes. In other use, we can make nanocells. With these cells, observation of patients’ health values such as tension, diabetes and body temperature can be done with ease. All in all, I am sure that we will be able to overcome obstacles that restrain us from making robots and use these technological masterpieces for our own benefit.


1 yorum:

  1. Dear Lütfü,
    I really liked reading your reflection. You are very good at explaining your ideas. I didn't notice any punctuation or grammar mistake while I was reading it. This very good for you and your readers. You have put suitable connectors between sentences. Moreover, the ideas that you want to highlight follow one after another. You have also stated your main points respectively and tried to support them. I totally agree with you on robot's being technological masterpieces. They can be used in every pace of our lives. Which obstacles do you think that we need to overcome? Is it just financial incapability or are there any other obstacles? You had better give some more information about the process of making the robots in the size of a grain of rice. Furthermore, I think you should say ''cannot'' instead of ''can't'' in order to get used to formal academic writing. Concerning your organization, I think your reflection is well organized. However, you need to revise your topic sentence. As it should cover all the things you have written so far, it needs to be similar to your conclusion sentence. By the way, your concluding sentence is a nice one. All in all, I liked your entry. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
