26 Ocak 2016 Salı

Free Reflecion

This reflection is about differences between university and high school. In the first place, I agree on the point that we are probably nervous about freshman year. It is true actually. To demonstrate, before coming METU, I had thoughts like ’ What if I get lost? What if I can’t get used to campus life? What if I fail a course? ‘ Next point is scare of obscurity. New students might be scared of starting university. Because, university is not like high school. In high school no matter which grade you are at, you can foresee what you will learn as grades are similar to each other. Secondly, you can’t foresee anything at university contrary to high school. There are many terms and procedures new to you. You have to take courses and get them approved unlike at high school. Thirdly, I agree on the difficulty of taking notes at university. For my academic life, taking note is a key of success. At high school, I started to work by taking notes. The reason for this is that important information is not only written in books. There can be some points only instructor can clarify, yet there is a problem at university. Instructors sometimes talk too fast. That is why; I need to obtain the skill of fast writing. I also need to be able to analyse fast. While they are explaining I need to analyse main ideas, examples and conclusions. In brief, I agree with writer on differences like being nervous, being scared , having problems about taking note.

1 yorum:

  1. Hi Lütfü,

    I see that you have made a clear comparison of high school and unibversity. You seem to have handled the issue under three main sub-titles. That is a good idea. But it seems that you have to make well use of the university time to improve your vocabulary and style of writing. And I couldnt understand who the writer in your last sentence is, that you agree with. Anyway, the points that you mentioned reflect the uni-high school comparison quite well.
