26 Ocak 2016 Salı


http://hayriyekanli.blogspot.com.tr/  REFLECTION TASK 2A

She wrote about Zeus who is a god of Greek Mythology. She also wrote about his family. Her use of grammer is very nice. Specially her use of punctuation is very good. She gave great importance to punctuation. Her structure of paragraph is very good. She started with true sentences. Her majors and minors are solid and easy to understand. She is also very kind in her reflection. She has a positive mood in reflection. That is important requirement for a teacher.


http://tugceeryilmaz.blogspot.com.tr/  FREE REFLECION

She wrote about top ten most deadly unnatural disaster. It is a fact that we destroy ourselves for tiny things. This may be accident or expirement. People are reckless. It can be possible but people doing important jobs can not be reckless. Let's look her structure. Her use of grammar is very good. She has complex sentences which are very great. I hope she write more..


http://esrakivrak.blogspot.com.tr/  FREE REFLECTİON  2

It is very nice reflection. Her structure of paragraph is great according to FLE student. I love dogs. This dog actually impressed me. We all know that dogs are the best friends of human. It was really nice to read her reflection. Her use of grammar was good but she can improve her sentence structures. Using more complex structures would be nice for her.

Reflection 3

My candidate for person of year is Angela Merkel.Europe’s most powerful leader is a refugee from a time and place where her power would have been unimaginable. The German Democratic Republic, where Angela Merkel grew up, was neither democratic nor a republic; it was an Orwellian horror show, where the Iron Curtain found literal expression in the form of the Berlin Wall. The shy daughter of a Lutheran minister, Merkel slipped into politics as a divorced Protestant in a largely Catholic party, a woman in a frat house, an Ossi in the newly unified Germany of the 1990s where easterners were still aliens. No other major Western leader grew up in a stockade, which gave Merkel a rare perspective on the lure of freedom and the risks people will take to taste it.
Her political style was not to have one; no flair, no flourishes, no charisma, just a survivor’s sharp sense of power and a scientist’s devotion to data. Even after Merkel became Germany’s Chancellor in 2005, and then commanded the world’s fourth largest economy, she remained resolutely dull—the better to be underestimated time and again. German pundits called her Merkelvellian when she outsmarted, isolated or just outlasted anyone who might mount a challenge to her. Ever cautious, she proudly practiced what Willy Brandt once called Die Politik der kleinen Schritte. I think she is perfect.

Free Reflecion

This reflection is about differences between university and high school. In the first place, I agree on the point that we are probably nervous about freshman year. It is true actually. To demonstrate, before coming METU, I had thoughts like ’ What if I get lost? What if I can’t get used to campus life? What if I fail a course? ‘ Next point is scare of obscurity. New students might be scared of starting university. Because, university is not like high school. In high school no matter which grade you are at, you can foresee what you will learn as grades are similar to each other. Secondly, you can’t foresee anything at university contrary to high school. There are many terms and procedures new to you. You have to take courses and get them approved unlike at high school. Thirdly, I agree on the difficulty of taking notes at university. For my academic life, taking note is a key of success. At high school, I started to work by taking notes. The reason for this is that important information is not only written in books. There can be some points only instructor can clarify, yet there is a problem at university. Instructors sometimes talk too fast. That is why; I need to obtain the skill of fast writing. I also need to be able to analyse fast. While they are explaining I need to analyse main ideas, examples and conclusions. In brief, I agree with writer on differences like being nervous, being scared , having problems about taking note.

Reflection 1a

  • What it means to you to be a university student at METU?
Being a university student in METU means to me that I have had the chance to enter country’s best university end the best campus. Also it means being able to pursue our ideas without any pressure unlike other universities.
  • What are the motives behind your choice of METU FLE department?
My first motivate behind my choice is my passion for this language. I love learning this language. So I said that , why I can not teach it to another person? And also prevalence of this language is an another motive behind my choice.
  • What are your feelings about being a FLE student at METU?
Being a FLE student is good but being a FLE student at METU is awesome. Which other universities got a campus like we got? Also having a chance to learn sports like american football while taking education from Turkey’s best instructors is not a thing to underestimate.
  • What are you happy and unhappy about being a FLE student?
There is two things I am not happy about being a FLE student for now. First one is chance of being teacher at elementary schools. After being graduated from my department , chance of having no opportunity other from being an elementary school teacher scares me because I don’t like taking on with little children.
The other thing I’m not happy about being a FLE student at METU is distance of classrooms from my dormitories. They are the farthest ones from dormitories. But as the time goes I will get used to it.
  • What are my expectations from my department

I have some expectations from my department. First of them is to teach me how to teach. I want to share pleasure of using this language but with the knowledge I got today , I can’t do it efficiently. My other expectation is to improve my skill of talking. As the system of education compels us to only study in tests we were not be able to improve our pronunciation. So pronunciation is my weakness but I will work on it.

Reflection Task 2b

The speaker talked about reasons why she makes tiny robots and I agree with speaker on three issues. To begin with, I think that making robots small in size is the biggest obstacle in this path. This goal needs more advanced nanotechnology. It is study and application of extremely small things and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering. Today, development level of nanotechnology is not as well-developed as we want. However, I believe that we will be able to place electronic components such as diodes, transistors, resistors, capacitors in rice sized robots. For example, there is a nanorobot fly for military usage. Special Forces use them for surveillance purposes. Secondly, I believe that taking inspiration from bugs for their mobility capabilities is perspicacious. We see in experiments that black bugs can easily move on rough terrains. Their motor skills are organised; therefore, we need to put well organised algorithms like bugs. There are examples of these kind of robots, yet they are not as skilled as bugs. For example, RHex is a robot that is able to overcome its obstacles with its tiny legs. It can even jump over big rocks. 6.7 kg of its weight is a disadvantage, though. Finally, there is no doubt that application of these tiny robots is limitless. They can be used in every place where people can’t get in. To exemplify, we can use rescue robot in the event of disaster like earthquake. It is able to locate survivors. Also, they can be used for medical purposes. In other use, we can make nanocells. With these cells, observation of patients’ health values such as tension, diabetes and body temperature can be done with ease. All in all, I am sure that we will be able to overcome obstacles that restrain us from making robots and use these technological masterpieces for our own benefit.
