9 Aralık 2015 Çarşamba


These sentences are about a tv series called The Blacklist.

1- This tv series is both exciting and entertaining
2- Finding hope and fighting with bad are main two ideas
3- Main characters are Lizzy and Reymond.
4- Reymond's intention is to protect his power and to save his daughter

10 Kasım 2015 Salı


Exercise 3
1- S
3- CP
4- S
5- S
6- S
7- S
8- CP
9- CP
10- S

Exercise 4

1- Robert E. Peary was a brave man and explored arctic regions.
2- He made his first expeditions to Greenland in 1886 and made several other trips there.
3- Peary planned a trip to North Pole and announced his plans in 1898.
4- He made the trip with his assistant, Matthew Henson and also included four Inuits.
5- Peary succeeded in reaching his goal and arrived at the North Pole on April 6, 1909.

Exercise 5

1- Robert E. Peary was a brave man, so he explored arctic regions.
2- He made his first expeditions to Greenland in 1886, and he made several other trips there.
3- Peary planned a trip to North Pole, so he announced his plans in 1898.
4- He made the trip with his assistant, Matthew Henson, and they included four Inuits.
5- Peary succeeded in reaching his goal, as he  arrived at the North Pole on April 6, 1909.

Exercise 6

1- Since the world's supply of wood is limited
2- None
3- Which may also be used for recreation
4- That deserve serious consideration
5- Because opinions on the subject are so different

Exercise 7

1- Complex / Because millions of energy-consuming devices are in use every day
2- Complex/  When builders construct new homes
3- Complex/ Although energy-efficient appliances cost more
4- Complex/ Because legislators have enacted certain laws
5- Complex Compound / When cars use less gas
6- Complex/ Though sulfur pollution is a threat to human health 
7- Complex/ Although water power can generate electricity
8- Complex Compound / That we consume in producing those goods
9- Complex Compound / That cool, heat and transport us
10- Complex / Because our natural resources clearly cannot last forever

25 Ekim 2015 Pazar


Imagine by Lütfü Ekşioğlu

Imagine there is no war
It's ordinary if you're happy
No dead bodies below us
Above us only clear sky
Imagine all the people
Living in peace 

Imagine there's no guns 
It isn't a bomb to blow up
Nothing to cry or mourn
And no blood too
Imagine all the people
Living in peace

You may say I'm a idealist
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll understand me
And the world will live in peace

Imagine no war will happen
Forget the past if you can
No need for guns or bombs
A brotherhood of man 
Imagine all the people
Living in peace

You may say I'm insane 
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll be insane too
And the world will live in peace